Can Chickens Eat Peas?

Chickens are omnivores that enjoy feasting on an assortment of food and treats. Leguminous seeds such as peas contain higher levels of protein than vegetables, making these an especially appealing meal option.

Feed them only occasionally as treats – not as staples – to your hens as an entertainment snack! Chickens enjoy eating fresh, frozen, cooked and dried peas as treats and should only be fed them as occasional snacks rather than replacing their normal food sources with them.


Fresh peas are an incredible treat for chickens. Packed full of essential vitamins and minerals that keep them healthy, these treats should only ever be given as occasional snacks to ensure that it does not replace their daily balanced diet.

If you are growing your own peas, make sure they are freshly picked and clean before giving them to the chickens – this way they are easier for them to digest! When purchasing them from elsewhere, look for bright green varieties with plumpness that has not faded over time.

Peas are legumes rather than vegetables, which means they contain more protein. This extra source of nutrition is beneficial for laying hens that require 16% protein to produce eggs successfully; however, it should be remembered that treats such as peas should only make up 5-10% of their daily ration and should never replace regular commercial feed.

Sweet peas may be fragrant and beautiful darlings of spring gardens, with their graceful tendrils and paster flowers, but they are toxic to chickens. Additionally, any chemicals used as weed killers or herbicides sprayed on these peas could also prove toxic if eaten by birds.


Frozen peas are a delicious treat for your flock of chickens during the warmer months, helping to provide essential nutrition while cooling them down during hot days and providing them with fun snack. Just as people enjoy having cold treats like ice cream on a warm day, your flock might appreciate having frozen peas as an icy cold treat too.

Cooked peas are an excellent source of proteins for your chickens. Packed full of essential vitamins and minerals – calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorous and magnesium among others – cooked peas can also serve as an effective replacement for soybeans since their digestibility exceeds that of soy-based feed products.

However, they should not be fed as the sole source of protein to your chickens if you want healthy eggs to come from them. Chickens require 16 percent protein in their diet in order to produce optimally healthy eggs; so if you choose to feed cooked peas to your flock be sure to incorporate them into their regular ration of feed.

Raw peas contain all their vital nutrients while boiled ones lose some essential proteins. Your chickens may also enjoy eating dry peas which contain less moisture and provide higher concentrations of nutrition benefits; just ensure they have access to clean water always! Peas are leguminous seeds belonging to the Fabaceae family which have special relationships with beneficial soil bacteria as well as being capable of absorbing atmospheric Nitrogen; therefore making them an invaluable addition for any backyard or small farm garden.


Chickens enjoy snacking on peas of all varieties, both raw and cooked, but it is important to remember that chickens should only receive cooked peas in moderation as treats should not form the basis of their daily diets; commercial poultry feed already provides all the essential nutrients they require, and any extra treats added should simply supplement this.

Sweet peas should never be fed to chickens of any sort as they are highly toxic to chickens and can even lead to their deaths in some instances.

If you are growing peas in your garden, make sure that when feeding them to your flock they don’t end up devouring their pods, as these contain beneficial vitamins and minerals such as iron, protein and antioxidant Vitamin A.

Your chickens can enjoy frozen peas as an easy, nutritious treat! Thawing out these nutritious morsels allows you to mix them into their regular feed or give them as snacks – but make sure the ones you buy have been specifically treated to ensure safety for birds; otherwise they could contain harmful bacteria which could make your poultry sick!


Feeding dried peas to your chickens is permitted as long as they don’t become their main source of nutrition. Dried peas can be hard for poultry to digest; therefore it is advised that they be used only as treats or side dishes for them to enjoy.

Add sprouted peas to your chicken‘s diet for optimal nutrient availability and better digestion. Either sprout them yourself in your kitchen, or purchase ready-sprouted options to provide for your flock.

Sprouting peas is easy and affordable; they only take around one week to fully sprout. Once ready, use them as snacks or add them into soups and stews – or grow your own supply in your backyard for your chickens!

Hens are omnivores, yet they prefer having a varied diet. Peas are particularly beloved and entertaining to peck for; full of essential nutrition to strengthen immune systems. Ensuring they receive plenty of treats and snacks can keep them happy and healthy!






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