What is a Root Cellar?

Have your own root cellar means being able to store potatoes, carrots and beets in an ideal climate so they remain fresh all winter long. Not only is this an efficient way to reduce grocery store dependence but it can be invaluable during power outages or emergencies that necessitate stockpiling supplies of food.

Root cellars can serve multiple functions beyond food preservation. For instance, they’re an effective way to store medicine or emergency supplies that may come in handy during an emergency situation. Furthermore, you could use one to store any homegrown vegetables you might have an abundance of and gain access to nutritious and natural meals that provide essential vitamins and minerals.

What Is A Root Cellar? A root cellar is an underground storage location designed to be cool, insulate, and humidify naturally using earth energy. People have used root cellars for centuries as an effective means of food preservation prior to refrigeration becoming mainstream.

Root cellar construction comes in many forms. From DIY efforts such as digging a hole yourself to purchasing pre-manufactured root cellars that can be installed quickly. Installing one yourself may take hours while regular temperature and humidity checks as well as ventilation are important to prevent mold or rot from developing in your cellar.

Root cellar temperatures help reduce respiration of vegetables and fruit, maintaining their quality for longer. This is particularly important with onions and garlic. Furthermore, direct sunlight should never be used for storage as this may hasten their degradation faster.

Traditional root cellars are constructed underground because the earth provides passive insulation and temperature regulation. You may also opt for using straw bales or repurposed insulated storage containers if an underground root cellar isn’t possible, and make sure there is an effective ventilation system allowing fresh air in while simultaneously expelling any stagnant air out. Regardless of which method is chosen for creating your root cellar, make sure it provides optimal conditions.

Once you understand the fundamentals of building a root cellar, you can begin stockpiling food and medicine for wintertime. A root cellar is an invaluable addition to any self-sufficient home, and an absolute must if you grow your own food. A root cellar provides an effective means of food saving without depending on modern technologies like wood stoves or bicycles – meaning you can remain independent.



