The Benefits of a Root Cellar

Root cellars provide an underground space to store vegetables and fruits safely from spoilage and extend their shelf life, as well as protecting valuable items from contamination or theft. Properly stored foods may last years under ideal conditions when properly stored in a root cellar.

Theodore Roethke’s poem, “Root Cellar,” brings to life layers of meaning and emotion in an unlikely setting: an anonymous storage facility. Roethke depicts life and decay with stunning precision to portray both humanity’s relationship to nature as well as humanity’s fragility as all things decay over time.

Root cellars can be an efficient and cost-effective way of expanding the availability of homegrown vegetables, providing more fresh, nutritious food to a family or small group of people – especially root vegetables that often go unseen at grocery store checkout counters such as potatoes and tomatoes.

Insulated to keep temperatures below freezing and humidity above 95%, an ideal cellar should also be well ventilated to avoid overheating by adding vent pipes or one-way valves (like those found on clothes dryers ) near its ceiling to help stabilize soil and roots and avoid any possible rot or decay in food products. A cellar must also be well-ventilated in order to prevent overheating; this may involve adding vent pipes or one-way valves like those seen on clothes dryers near its ceiling as means of venting excess heat out.

If a cellar is poorly insulated and ventilated, preserving certain foods, like berries and pears can become challenging. To keep their quality intact, these items must be stored between freezing temperatures and 80% relative humidity in order to be preserved effectively.

This simple cellar can be created at an economical price using materials gathered in nature or purchased from hardware stores. While its temperature will likely not match that of commercial storage solutions, it should still serve most residential needs well.

Utilizing a cellar for food preservation can not only be environmentally beneficial, but can be fun and rewarding for the entire family. Not only is this project perfect for novice gardeners, but experienced ones can benefit too!

The Sanctuary Root Cellar can be found two houses east of the Sole Survivor’s House in the northeast part of Sanctuary Hills. Accessible by entering through a door behind one of these homes before the cul-de-sac, this location contains a bed, safe, pre-War food strewn across shelves and floors, three Gold Bars can also be found there.

This mod transforms the sanctuary cellar into a fully buildable basement and connects it to Sanctuary Workshop via a fully buildable bridge, along with adding an 100 power fuse box. It works best in combination with other mods that extend or modify Workshop capabilities such as Place Anywhere or Scrap Everything mods.



