Root Cellar For Sale – How to Build Your Own

Root cellars for sale provide the ideal way to store foods for long-term storage, with cold air circulation helping prevent mold growth and keeping vegetables crisp and fresh. Ideal for home gardeners or survivalists alike, root cellars will extend shelf life of produce while providing peace of mind during natural disasters.

Root cellars made with wood beams and stone require considerable skill and time to build, but you can quickly transform a section of your basement into one by installing a cellar door and adding ventilation. If space constraints prevent this, you could also build an above-ground version using low-cost or recycled materials while adhering to local safety and building codes.

When purchasing a root cellar, opt for one that comes prefabricated and ready for installation; this will save both time and money. A prefabricated model can range from $10,000 to $55,000 in price depending on size and construction type; experienced DIYers may be able to build one themselves at much less expense; for instance you could build a barrel root cellar, build a berm (a rounded mound of soil that creates a barrier from outside), or dig a crawl space.

When selecting the ideal location for your root cellar, opt for an area with ample headroom. A basement is often the best choice; you could also convert another room of your home or barn if desired. If using a septic tank instead, select one with a high capacity; for instance a 1,500-gallon model offers ample food storage capacity while larger capacities (2,500 gal or greater) provide even more headroom.

To construct a basement-style root cellar, frame its walls using two-by-fours and insulate with rigid foam or fiberglass insulation. Leave an inch-wide gap between the top of your cellar walls and the joists above for proper ventilation.

Once your root cellar is built, add a cellar door and stairs so that your produce is easily accessible. Depending on your climate, temperature and humidity adjustments may need to be made periodically using thermometers and hygrometers; keep regular ventilation going so as to maintain optimal conditions in order to extend crop storage life and ensure delicious fresh produce year-round! Additionally, root cellars can save money on utility bills by decreasing electricity use.



