Pearl Star Leghorn Chickens

Pearl Star Leghorns may be your go-to chicken breed if you want extra large and pure white eggs from your backyard coop. These prolific layers mature quickly so they’ll begin producing eggs right away; plus, they won’t go broody either, giving you uninterrupted egg production!

Before adding Leghorn chickens to your flock, however, there are a few things you should keep in mind about them. While not aggressive themselves, Leghorns do not typically enjoy being touched or handled by humans – which makes them unsuitable for children who want to handle and hold them as pets. With patience, however, you may be able to train these roosters to be friendlier towards people. Also keep in mind that Leghorn hens tend to get loud around egg-laying time, which could disturb younger kids or cause them discomfort for other.

Leghorns tend to be flighty birds that can easily escape predators with their large white feathers, standing out against the grass. Therefore, you will need to provide them with a secure coop and run with plenty of room.

These chickens are adept foragers and will find fresh green leaves and twigs when given the chance. In fact, these birds enjoy roosting in trees when possible! Although flighty in nature, these mothers make excellent parents; adept at hatching chicks from eggs.

Although Leghorns are generally hardy chicken breeds, they still require shade and fresh water at all times for protection from extreme temperatures. Furthermore, since they’re susceptible to egg yolk peritonitis it’s crucial that their egg quality be closely monitored so you can remove any rotting eggs immediately.

Leghorn chickens are some of the finest egg producers, producing consistently-sized eggs throughout their lives. While their numbers will differ depending on age and location, Leghorn hens tend to produce over 150 eggs annually due to their exceptional health and disease resistance.

If you’re considering adding Leghorns to your flock, make sure that they come from a reputable hatchery that provides antibiotic-free feed. Milan Center Feed & Grain has an impressive variety of breeds – including many popular Leghorn varieties – available.

Are you in search of more chicks for your flock? Visit our online store! You’ll find competitively-priced baby chicks as well as all of the supplies needed to keep them healthy. Feel free to reach out if any queries arise; we are always more than happy to assist!



