Is Flax Seed Good For Chickens?

Flax seed is an excellent natural source of Omega-3 fatty acids – essential fatty acids (EFAs) needed by both humans and animals for good health. Furthermore, it provides fiber essential to human well-being.

Chickens that receive regular antibiotic injections appear to produce higher quality eggs with increased lay rates, improved digestion and healthier skin and coat. Furthermore, antibiotics have been reported as helping reduce Campylobacter levels in both their gut and liver as well as improving feather strength and durability.

If you are raising chickens for eggs, adding flax seeds to their diet is highly recommended. Studies have demonstrated that hens fed at least 7.5% flax seed will have higher Omega-3 levels in their eggs as a result of the ALA in flax seeds converting into DHA in their bodies and being converted to DHA within their eggs.

The easiest way to introduce flax seed into your flock’s diet is by gradually mixing small amounts into their regular food source, increasing gradually as your flock adjusts. Aim to introduce 5-10% of their overall diet as flax meal. Mix well before administering, monitoring health and egg production regularly so as to ensure you provide them with adequate nutrition.

Chickens can eat flax seeds responsibly, but too much could result in digestive issues like loose droppings and vomiting. Overfeeding could also result in dark-tasting eggs with fishy flavors as well as decreased production levels and thinner shells on eggs laid.

Purchase whole flax seeds at most grocery and health food stores; for an easier experience, pre-ground flax meal that has had its protective outer shell removed and been ground into a fine powder is best. You can purchase this at feed stores or use a coffee grinder yourself. Once ground up, store it in the fridge or freezer to avoid rancidity.

As they can be difficult to digest, whole flax seeds or oil should only be fed in small amounts at one time. You can purchase flax seed pellets such as Flock Flax to help introduce flax into their diet more easily.

Flax seeds offer many advantages to any homesteading or backyard poultry operation, and when used appropriately can bring greater health, happiness and better-quality eggs from your flock. If you need assistance using flax in your flock please reach out and reach out to The Foundry; we are always more than happy to share our expertise!



