Chickens are natural foragers and will sample an assortment of fruits, vegetables and herbs in search of satisfying snacks. Some foods offer greater nutrition to chickens while other may pose risks or be even toxic to them.
Fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, watermelons and apples provide your flock with a nutritious treat packed with antioxidants and hydration benefits.
Cucumbers are another hydratation-rich veggie packed with essential vitamins, minerals and fiber that is especially helpful during hot summer days. Not only are cucumbers rich in vitamin C, potassium and magnesium; they also support your chick’s healthy metabolism and skeletal system development.
Broccoli is an excellent source of calcium, helping to strengthen egg shells and prevent soft-shelled eggs and egg peritonitis. Plus, its low calories and fat content makes it a nutritious addition to any chicken’s diet.
Cantaloupe seeds are a delicious treat for poultry due to their sweet flavor and nutritional content, including their abundance of lutein (which promotes eye health) as well as calcium and other vital minerals for healthy flocks. You can even offer whole ripe cantaloupe as a special treat!
Bananas make an irresistibly tasty treat for your flock, offering potassium and vitamins A, B6 and C in addition to being delicious snacks. Just be sure to remove their peel as this could present a choking risk.
Peppers are an easy and tasty treat to provide for your flock, though some chickens may find them spicy. Peppers provide vitamin A and C while also offering beta-carotene and fiber. You can give peppers raw or cooked.
Pineapple can make for an irresistibly tasty tropical treat for your flock, but be careful with its consumption as it contains high levels of sugar and acidity, both of which may be potentially hazardous for their wellbeing.
Greens such as kale, spinach and turnip greens can provide your chickens with added nutrition while being an excellent source of protein. Add them directly into their feed or combine with ingredients such as oatmeal, cracked corn or mealworms to make it more appealing for them.
Herbs are another great way to spice up your flock’s diet. Oregano serves as a natural antibiotic while mint and basil promote respiratory and digestive wellness.
Add herbs like sage, parsley, rosemary and thyme to their diet as an additional way of providing essential vitamins and minerals – especially sage as this will darken their yolks! Experiment with different spices until you find what your flock likes best; just be wary of plants which could potentially harm them such as tomatoes, avocados or raw potatoes that could prove toxic for chickens.