Sanctuary in Fallout 4 can be found to the east of Vault 111 and north across a footbridge from Red Rocket Truck Stop. It consists of 14 buildings (many having collapsed during World War 1) along one road, including 14 collapsed ones after World War One; this cul-de-sac can be found near Vault 111 with multiple places where you can find loot: including floor safes (Advanced), terminals and root cellars down from roundabout and even one at the end of road!
At the back of this house is a functioning Pre-War stove, water source, and containers to store items; there is also a booby-trapped safe and 10mm pistol located within its bathroom for additional security. While suitable for temporary bases during early game stages, its proximity to Red Rocket Truck Stop makes this location unsuitable as a long-term settlement solution.
At Vault 111, only one survivor managed to gain entry and instead constructed his own shelter underneath their house in Sanctuary Hills. According to reports, this person planted wild mutfruit plants specifically around his basement entrance at the rear of his property near its basement entrance and stashed military ammunition into their root cellar – with doors located just before reaching a cul-de-sac near Sanctuary hills’ northeast corner, hidden amongst clusters of wild mutfruit.
This secret can easily be missed, concealed within a small hatch in one of the houses near the rear of the neighborhood. I took me forever to find it but it’s worth looking out for if you haven’t discovered it yet; its attractive interior and fully stocked root cellar make it worth searching for! Definitely one of my favorite spots in this game!