Codsworth welcomes them back to Sanctuary Hills after they escape Vault 111, but fans have begun digging deep into its history in search of clues which hint at more sinister happenings than Codsworth is willing to acknowledge.
While most players will bypass this suburb in their rush to Concord, those willing to spend some time exploring it may discover an easily-missible root cellar behind one of the houses containing useful items such as an advanced safe, first aid box, toolbox and wooden crate – among others.
The basement entrance can be found in a house northeast of the cul-de-sac leading to the village main road and near two wild mutfruit plants. Although its door is locked, a Bobby Pin can be used to turn its lock horizontal and open its container containing three gold bars in a crate; one Gwinnett Stout bottle per shelf; a tackboard; as well as scrap metal. According to game files, Jahani constructed this underground shelter as a replacement for his lost vault; which appears as part of his game file storyline.
On entering the basement, players will encounter a Radroach that can easily be killed with melee attacks (R2/RT). After dispatching this beastly beastie, head north into a room containing an unpleasant mess and activate its Recreation Terminal; doing so will enable one of Fallout 4’s fun minigames: Red Menace.
Root Cellar beds offer Sole Survivors the Well Rested bonus when used to rest, making their loot accessible through use of Bobby Pin. Also, music in these cells should remain consistent when entering and exiting, unlike with Vault beds which shift jarringly as you use them.